Founded in Love

Diana Van Winkle is the founder of Seeding Hearts, a company that provides materials for starting a girls Bible study.

Looking for a way to connect during the week with her small group, Diana searched for a student study with fun activities and relatable content. She discovered it was difficult to find the kind of lesson materials she needed for her girls. At the time, Diana worked in Training and Development for a national retail company. Recognizing that God had equipped her with years of experience facilitating and writing seminar leader guides, she asked for His help to begin writing activity-based lessons for her junior high students.

As students got older, Diana began writing lessons geared towards high school topics while continuing to write for a new group of junior high girls. With God's guidance, she started training high school students on how to lead and teach junior high girls. Because of this, Diana began tailoring the lesson guides towards student leadership.

Repeatedly encouraged to publish the materials by her students, their parents and other leaders who used them, Diana began talking to God about it. With God's direction, she started Seeding Hearts in 2017 and began publishing materials in 2018.

Diana has a heart for the Lord. Her desire is for girls to come to know Him and grow their relationship with Him. With Him, she has created fully-scripted leader guides, devotion companions, social media promotional images, instructional videos and more to help those looking to connect with students and share Jesus.